At Jordemoderhuset, we offer acupuncture as a way of ripening the cervix before birth. This treatment is for those of you who would like to reduce the risk of medical labor induction.
For optimal effect, we recommend starting your treatments from 37+0 weeks gestation, but you can have acupuncture up until 42+0 weeks gestation to stimulate contractions.
At Jordemoderhuset, experienced midwives only perform acupuncture – your guarantee of a good and safe treatment.
Before the treatment, the midwife will also do a standard antenatal check, assessing the baby’s size and position in the pelvis and listening to the heartbeat.
If necessary, we will also do an internal examination. A treatment plan follows this, and the acupuncture needles will be placed.
The treatment is painless, but you may experience a stinging or tingling sensation where the needles are placed.
From 37-40 weeks gestation, we recommend one weekly treatment
From 40 weeks gestation, ideally 2 weekly treatments
After your due date, the treatment is often combined with a membrane sweep after informed consent.
Since we are also an ultrasound clinic, the standard antenatal check can, in special cases, be combined with an ultrasound scan. For example, if there is uncertainty about the baby’s size or position in the pelvis.
An authorized midwife always performs this type of treatment and always includes a thorough antenatal examination, which is why some of the cost will be reimbursed if you are part of the private health insurance “Danmark.”
If you have any questions or requests for a specific time for the treatment, please contact us.
Tel: 3333 7111
We have been to the midwife's house several times throughout my pregnancy. Pregnancy discomforts characterized the pregnancy throughout all nine months, and acupuncture treatments by Julie and Rikke were used extensively during the most challenging months. For example, two of Rikke's acupuncture needles were included at our wedding, which we managed to complete despite nausea and vomiting, helped along the way by the treatment at the midwife's house.
Mandag: 9-13
Tirsdag: 9-19
Onsdag: 9-20
Torsdag: 9-13 & 15-20
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