
Follicle Scan

Follicle Scan

At a follicle scan, the size of the follicle is measured.

We also assess the thickness of the lining of the uterus. This will enable estimation of when ovulation will occur and, subsequently, when you are most likely to conceive.

A follicle scan is always done vaginally.

Price: 500 kr / 15 min.

Got questions?

If you have any questions regarding the scan, please contact us via telephone or e-mail. 

Email: mail@jordemoderhuset.com

Tlf: 3333 7111


Under each scan type, you can see which weeks are ideal for carrying out various scans. You are always welcome to call us to learn more about the ideal time for a given scan.


We have a beautiful, large scanning room that accommodates up to 6 relatives. Children are, of course, more than welcome. However, very young children (under five years old) often cannot maintain concentration for very long.

Scanning is done using ultrasound waves. The signal is not always as sharp when it has to go through “padding.” We are, of course, interested in ALL the pregnant women who come to us to get the best photos at home. All the clinic’s scanning midwives are experienced, and we do what we can to ensure the best image quality.

It makes no difference to us whether the bladder is full or not.

All our sonographers speak fluent English and are used to explaining the scan images in English.

It is not always that the little one helps to lie in a way so that we can see the gender. If this happens, we will book a new appointment – free of charge.

Our sonographers are all experienced in distinguishing between healthy pregnancies and those with abnormalities. We must refer to further investigations at a hospital if we find something that needs further investigation.

With our daughter from 2018, we came to you for an early scan.
We felt in such safe hands and then chose that the neck fold scan should be carried out at your place. Then a safety talk with midwife Emilie and a good pregnancy massage.
With our son from 2020, we also had an early scan and later a security scan.

Now, with our 3rd child, we had to have an early scan in Kolding for geographical reasons—a disappointing experience. After that, my husband said he missed Jordemoderhuset!
I could only agree with him. That's why we chose to have the nuchal fold scan of our 3rd child done with you between Christmas and New Year, and it was simply like coming home.

It was so safe and lovely, and we were SO grateful that we took the trip, that you had time and energy as you always have! And that we spent the money on it. The warmest recommendations from here. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Få 20 % rabat
på første scanning

Vi tilbyder, at du kan få 20 % rabat på første scanning. Skriv det i din booking eller bed om det, når du betaler.

Scanningspakker hos Jordemoderhuset

Hos Jordemoderhuset tilbyder vi 2 scanningspakker, som alle indeholder:
– tidlig scanning / tryghedsscanning 
– 1 kønsscanning 
– 1 stor 3D/4D scanning