
Breastfeeding class

Breastfeeding class


At Jordemoderhuset, we offer a 2 ½ hour breastfeeding class that prepares you and sets you up for a good and well-functioning breastfeeding period.

For several years we have dealt with establishing breastfeeding and how to remedy breastfeeding problems

Unfortunately, we experience that many people do not get in touch with us until AFTER the issues have arisen. It is much better to be well-prepared for the challenges and, not least, joys associated with breastfeeding

This 2 ½ hour class will give you the necessary knowledge of the following subjects:

Practical information


I took part in the birth preparation course that ran from 14th – 28th June this year, and I want to say a huge thank you for everything you taught on the course! I genuinely felt calm and prepared for birth, thanks to you both. I felt confident in visualizing the birth that I hoped for but also aware of the different ways that that birth can play out and my options in these different scenarios.

I gave birth to our baby boy, Cai, on 9th September at 18.14 after having a membrane sweep at noon on the same day! It was intense but exciting. I can honestly say that the breathing and movement exercises taught on the course got me through the experience, I’m not sure how I would have handled walking down the hospital corridor without them!

I tried to follow the advice, and I’m sure it all contributed to my positive experience. For example, I used an exercise ball to do the hip opening exercises daily, and thankfully the baby was in a good position for birth. I also used a rough towel to brush my nipples after showering and applied oil afterward and much to my surprise I haven’t had sore nipples. The list goes on! So once again, thank you.

Best wishes,