
Postnatal Counseling

Postnatal Counseling

According to the Danish Department of Health’s guidelines, the place of birth should offer the new family a “post-natal meeting,” preferably with the midwife who delivered your baby.

However, the new family rarely gets this offered. Either because it was not provided at their place of birth or because the offer drowned in all the other information you also get as a new family.

Nonetheless, many women and their partners need to discuss their birth experiences. This enables them to work through their experience, thoughts, and worries.

These meetings are not only intended for those women or couples with long, complicated labors and births. Even though the delivery may seem ordinary and uncomplicated from a health professional’s point of view, there might be issues that you need to talk to someone about.

The “post-natal meeting” is also an apparent time to get counseling about future pregnancies and births.

Furthermore, we must discuss any discomfort caused by perineal tears, resuming a sex life, possibly birth control, pelvic floor exercises, and incontinence.

To clarify the questions that arise after birth, we would like to ask you, before the meeting, to send us a copy of your birth journal.

This helps us prepare for the meeting, and you will leave the session feeling well-informed and having had a chance to talk through what you felt was necessary.

Are you a member of the private health insurance company “Danmark”? 

You get a 30% reimbursement for your “post-natal counseling” with a private midwife if you are.

Price: 1.500 DKK / 2 hours